Childcare Services oversees the facilities and assistance offered to University staff and students with children.
The University has four Workplace Nurseries at Edwinstowe Close, West Cambridge, Eddington and the Chris Abell Nursery for children from three months to school age. Offers of places at a University Workplace Nursery depend on demand and qualifying criteria.
Staff who secure a place at a University Nursery can join the Workplace Nurseries' Salary Exchange Scheme to benefit from tax and National Insurance savings on their nursery fees.
Our Holiday Playscheme operates during the state school holiday periods (excluding Christmas and Bank Holidays) for children in reception to 14 years 11 months.
Childcare Services operates an Information Service, which aims to support families of the University community. The service offers information on family related issues including childcare, schooling, health care, financial support and local community resources.
We offer a Stay and Play group for families with a University connection which takes place on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 10.30-12 (during state school term time).
Childcare Services, 21 Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1QA
If you are a member of staff, a student or a visiting scholar of the University, you can contact us to discuss your particular circumstances, any childcare issues or just gather information.
Please note this is not a drop in service.
Childcare Services
Catherine Pearson, Manager of Childcare Services
Siobhan Lowe, Childcare Services Administrator
Ph: 01223 760901
Childcare Information Service
Sarah Andrew, Childcare Information Adviser
Ph: 01223 332249
University of Cambridge Holiday Playscheme
Emmie Vickery, Playscheme Manager
Ph: 01223 764186
Harriet Cousins, Assistant Playscheme Manager
Ph: 01223 330766
Georgina Lawrence, Playscheme Administrator
Ph: 01223 339905
Molly Smith, Playscheme Assistant
Ph: 01223 330766
Paulina Pasuld , Playscheme Assistant
Ph: 01223 330766