Who is eligible to apply for a place at one of the four University nurseries?
- Staff of the University:
- people listed on the monthly payroll with a formal contract of employment with the University
- the University Farm
- ADC Theatre
- Cambridge Enterprise Ltd.
- Judge Business School Executive Education Ltd
- College Teaching Officers, employed in the position F/T
- Legal Deposit Agency staff located in Cambridge
- Other affiliated staff are not usually eligible unless there are exceptional circumstances
- Staff of Cambridge University Press and Assessment are eligible but have their own application process; please check the Family Friendly page on Insight or contact your local HR representative
- Active students of the University of Cambridge.
- Members of the Community (Eddington Nursery only).
- Personnel of Homerton College (for Chris Abell Nursery only).
Application process
- You are only able to submit an application form once your child has been born.
- Applications will only be accepted 6 months prior to the start of your employment (staff) or course start date (student).
- You will need to complete and sign a relevant application form (either staff or student) and return it to the Childcare Services for processing. (Students will also need to have their tutor sign the form before returning it to this office). We accept electronic copies of the application form as long as an electronic signature is provided. Please email all forms rather than posting them.
- When filling out your application form you will need to consider a number of things including your preferred booking pattern and start date. If you are unsure about specifics then please put down approximations. Changes can be made to your application at a later date via the Childcare Services.
- The following booking patterns apply to all nursery places: You can request 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 full days a week. Nursery management need to fit your booking pattern with other applicants and placed children and will negotiate such details with you directly.
- You are required to make a £10.00 (incl. VAT) payment when applying for a nursery place. This must be paid using eSales at the following link: Payment
- Once we have processed your application we will send you correspondence confirming that you are on the waiting list.
- Your position on the waiting list is determined by a points system, based on access criteria. More information can be found at Waiting List Management. The Childcare Services will not enter into discussion about points allocations.
- The Nursery Managers are responsible for the allocation of nursery places.
- You are entitled to remain on the waiting list for a University workplace nursery while your child attends one of the other University workplace nurseries. You need to let us know by email if you wish to be added back onto the waiting list for a different University nursery.