Your child will need to bring the following to Playscheme:
- Clothing suitable for messy play, outside play and water play, and spare clothing to change into where necessary (all items named please)
- Coats for cold or wet days (named please)
- Packed lunch (with cool pack & named)
- Swimming costume & towel for swimming trips
- Backpack/bag that your child can use for trips
- Water bottles (named)
- Sunscreen and sunhat
We advise that children under the age of 11 do not bring electronic devices to Playscheme. Our policy states that children may not use their mobile phone or other internet enabled or electronic devices at Playscheme unless informed they may do so and if they are supervised. For example, this may be allowed for those children with access to the ‘Over 11’s Room’. In this case, use will be in a designated area and supervised by a member of the Playwork team. It will be a requirement that mobile phones and electronic devises are signed into the Playscheme on arrival and 3G or 4G internet services must be disabled.
Further information on our policy can be found here: 'Mobile Phones and Electronic Devices'.